Vicky Dawley

"My favorite place is our family ranch in the oak studded foothills of western Tehama County. It’s where I go to recharge after a busy week in the 'big city' (Red Bluff)."
Vicky has more than 40 years of experience in resource management and ranching. She was the RCD's first employee when she started as a Watershed Coordinator in 1999. She has overseen the growth of the RCD to its current twelve employees and annual budget of over $5 million in project and grant administration and implementation. She is currently focusing on a dam restoration on Antelope Creek, assistance with education and outreach for the CA Rangeland Conservation Coalition, and restoration of side channels along the Sacramento River for salmon rearing habitat. Other major projects have included planting and maintenance of elderberry mitigation sites, conservation projects for local ranchers and owners of wildland parcels, and numerous environmental studies and reports. Since 1974, she manages her family-owned "off the grid" ranch and has raised three kids there at the end of seven miles of dirt road, and now has six amazing grandchildren.
Business BA, Simpson University.
Three years botanical studies, UC Davis
Email: vdawley at